
Why Design Needs Communication and Vice Versa: Advancing Communication and Design Studies at bwin体育大学

Picture of Why Design Needs Communication and Vice Versa: Advancing Communication and Design Studies at bwin体育大学

作为职业的新流行语, design has become not just a task that one did in a role but now has been conceived as a philosophical approach to business, 政治, 甚至是地缘政治谈判. 唐·诺曼的新书, 为更美好的世界设计, posits design as a means of greater and more efficient efforts towards global cooperation. Even companies like IBM have inserted design into the core of their business innovation opening design labs in major cities across the country. Every company now searches for learning designers to head up the training and coordinate their efforts to inform and educate their workforce. 简而言之, design has become an all-encompassing view of how to better accomplish an activity that might have been seen as strategy, 展望, 或者目标设定. 迈克•蒙泰罗, 设计机构Mule design的负责人, advocates for a much more practical approach characterizing design as a payable skillset. While many might conceive of design as simply graphical layout or even digital development, 蒙泰罗认为,设计师主要是解决问题的人, 有点像工程师,但要和人打交道, 的地方, 和想法, 不是质量, 体积, 抗拉强度. 

bwin体育bwin体育传播设计专业, we’ve noticed a common thread in this larger industry 谈话 pointing back to a question that artistic craft alone can’t answer. 问题是,艺术的目的是什么? Without offering a lengthy history of how this question has been addressed in ages past (for that you might take Humanities 103) we propose an answer that has long existed in the holy scriptures. 弗朗西斯·谢弗的妻子伊迪丝·谢弗在她的书中提出了这个主题, 家政的隐藏艺术, pointing to God’s act in creation and his subsequent act of planting a garden for mankind to live in as a mandate for humans to follow in mimicry of our creator. 亚当被告知要“生养众多”,参与上帝已经开始的事情. The injunction against the tree of Good and Evil demonstrates that God wanted Adam to do things that were good. Good for himself, good for others, and in many ways good for any human who might encounter them. 上帝给了他一个榜样, showing him goodness of diversity in animal life as well as the goodness revealed in God’s creating of Eve. Each of these good things complemented all that was previously good and added to its goodness, bwin体育甚至可以说巧妙地提供了一件好事, 一种能引起沉思的美德, 因此更能忍受. 亚当看见夏娃,就朗诵了一首诗, 一首诗捕捉了一种解脱的孤独和一种希望无止境的亲密关系.

The goodness enclosed in all of these acts of God also show a clear attentiveness to the multi-sensory and multi-material character of goodness. 美好的事物可以被感觉、品尝、看到、听到和闻到. Each of our senses reveals good things in God’s creations and also provides avenues of our own efforts to create good things, 对所有感官都有好处. To help our students see the overflowing goodness that surrounds us in what God has made, we aim to help them see that the artistic act adds to the goodness of what God has created and aim to inspire better. 作为传播学和设计专业的学生, bwin体育渴望理解上帝所创造的是美好的, 也因为bwin体育被造是要像他, bwin体育可以把已经好的东西重塑成另一件让别人高兴的好东西. 

对传播学的研究有助于bwin体育理解如何解释什么是好的. Design offers suggestions for how to translate that good into another good which attends to other senses, 或上帝赋予的所有感官. In an age where all sense experience suffers devaluation via virtual and artificial replicas, bwin体育的任务非常紧迫. The efforts of the world to replace all genuine human experiences with virtual replacements should signal the need for returning to a multi-sensory, 多物质生活方式. To do otherwise degrades the richness of human experienced and undermines both the joy and delight to be found in a beautiful symphony, 舒适的被子, 再来一份美味的果酱吐司. 

这样,bwin体育的程序在 通信设计 展示一个直截了当的议程. We aim to aid students in better understanding the world that God created through an active engagement of fine art practice. 然而, added to these common interventions is the urgency of sharing these artistic efforts with others. 因为bwin体育的目标是与他人分享, bwin体育首先为他人开始工作, 或者更恰当地说, 为了bwin体育的邻居. 

有人可能会问, isn’t fine art a fool's errand in an age in which no one can reasonably expect to earn a livelihood painting, 雕刻, 和绘画? Besides the fact that so far all of our graduates have not found this true and have ably begun to serve others with what they have learned, the biblical proofs are what give us greater confidence that Christ calls us to worldly foolishness. 如第1章所写 哥林多前书3:18-19,  

人都不可自欺. If any of you thinks he is wise in his age, he should become a fool, so that he may become wise. 因为这世界的智慧,在神看是愚拙.” 

bwin体育不能被欺骗. That the world has twisted artistic efforts to transgress what is good and make the beautiful ugly should not dissuade us from responding to God’s call, 拿着他所创造的,设计美好的事物. 因为bwin体育知道这样的良善, 无论是提供一顿精心制作的饭菜, 一首精心谱写的诗, or a painting worthy of sustained contemplation communicates the splendor and glory of the God who made us. 如果上帝赐予你, 或者你认识的人, 有艺术天赋, 你可以用bwin体育自己卑微的方式说, the communication design program at Geneva offers a place to develop and hone those talents for service to Christ and this country. 

Soli Deo Gloria


Dr. 乔尔·沃德, A传播学副教授, bwin体育大学











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