


2月. 2024年,bwin体育bwin体育坦尼希尔系 业务, 会计, & 体育运动管理 接待了6位系里的校友th 年度商科校友座谈会. Each alumnus responded to a series of questions about their 职业生涯 and advised current students on resumes, 工作与生活的平衡, 实习, 职业发展.

  1. 现在就参与进来

艾丽西亚·麦吉,06年, 巴勒斯坦权力机构众议院区域协调员, 强调参与的重要性. 她说:“好好利用你现在拥有的机会. 在比弗县地区,有很多机会. 获得实习机会, 参与学生发展的工作, 一有机会就去做志愿者.”

其他人也强调了这一点的重要性. Future employers look at many different factors, not just job experience or GPA. 拥有多样化的经历可以让你与众不同. 当你在上大学的时候, you have access to many different clubs and opportunities to try new things that may not be available to you after graduation.

  1. 注重软技能

雅各布·奥伦尼克,17岁, WINT水务智能项目经理, 说, “You don’t have to have the exact degree or technical skills to get a job. 做一个解决问题的人.” 虽然奥伦尼克有工商管理学位, he landed a 职业生涯 in a field in which many employees have engineering degrees. 而技术技能是有价值的, 沟通等软技能, 解决问题, and relational skills can often be more valuable in the workplace and set you apart from others with a similar degree and knowledge base.

  1. 联系,联系,联系!

Making connections and focusing on relationships is a sentiment each one of our graduates focused on throughout the panel.

Natalia Muoio ' 20, MBA的22, 匹兹堡钢人直销, 共享 how her journey to her current position and advancement in the sports world has been through connections and relationship building. 她说:“建立联系! 这对你的事业发展非常重要. 花时间建立你的LinkedIn,这很重要.”

Matthew Blocki ' 10, CFP, ChFC, RICP, 均衡财富顾问公司的首席执行官, 共享 a similar story of how personal skills set him apart from others early on, 强烈鼓励bwin体育的学生现在就开始建立联系. 他说:“找个导师. 多问问题,多和你的前辈交流.”

William Godfrey ’07, CPA, director at Holsinger, echoed this, saying, “It is about people! 想想你的人际关系以及你是如何度过你的时间的. 人们在你身上看到了什么品质? 做一个令人难忘的人.”

  1. 永远要学习

艾米丽·雷诺兹18岁, 婚礼摄影师, 共享, “愿意学习和积累经验, 即使它不是你想做的,或者没有报酬.” College is not only about gaining a specific set of skills to get one particular job; students should be seeking to learn new things and gain experience where they can. This wide range of skills will help make you a more valuable employee and enhance your educational experience.

麦吉鼓励学生们追求学习. “让自己成为你想成为的领域的专家. 成为别人寻求答案的人. 坐下来学习,吸收,然后分享. 让自己成为一个资源.”

  1. 不要把你的事业当成偶像

The final piece of advice our alumni had to offer was to be wary of making your 职业生涯 your sole focus in life.

Olenick 说, “It is really important to not put too much pressure on your 职业生涯. 不要把它当成偶像.”

Godfrey works in accounting, a field known for long hours and no 工作与生活的平衡. 他描述了努力工作和长时间工作是多么必要, but a shift in how people view work is leading to changes in high-demand fields to make it healthier. 他说, “Most workplaces will give you the flexibility you need and allow you to manage your lifestyle if you prove you are dependable, 值得信赖的, 完成工作, 像团队成员一样值得信赖.”

He acknowledged that if you are working in a place where you are finding it difficult to find that balance, 还有希望. “If you work hard and level up, you can be a leader that initiates that change.” Rather than normalizing an environment that idolizes work and leaves no room for personal life, 你可以成为改变的一部分,让它对你更好, 你的同事, 以及整个组织.

雷诺兹, 谁拥有自己的生意, discussed how having your own business can be extremely challenging because in many ways your work becomes your life. 她说:“注意界限. Not making room for rest and separation will affect your ability to remain excited and passionate about your work.” Caring about your job and being able to do your best work depends on your ability to set boundaries and not idolize your work, otherwise you may be on the road to burnout and decreased productivity.

Blocki stressed this as well by sharing a phrase he shares with many of his clients in financial planning. 他说:“设计一种你不必退休的生活. 不要总是为你即将退休的事情感到压力. 现在就开始设计和生活吧.” This will often take time and sacrifices, but the goal of work is to create a lifestyle. 在选择工作和职业道路时, it is important to be mindful of all aspects of your life so you can be sure you aren’t setting yourself up for an unhealthy relationship with work.

Each piece of advice offered at this panel helps aspiring business leaders and entrepreneurs make decisions now and in the future about their education, 职业生涯, 和生活方式. The words of encouragement passed along by alumni help our students to best serve God and neighbor with the skills and education they receive at Geneva.



-Kelsey Ingold ' 18





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