

职业生涯 项目关注的焦点

工程 是一份具有挑战性但有回报的职业吗. At Geneva, students are equipped with tools and knowledge to best prepare them for their careers. One of the tools provided to them is help finding a job using their degree. 找到专攻哪个领域可能会很棘手, 但是希望, 下面的选项给出了符合你兴趣的想法.


IT顾问 - IT consultants assess a company's IT infrastructure and systems and make changes as needed. 他们诊断IT问题并为项目创建时间表. They can also generate technological solutions to meet an organization's IT needs. Additionally, they may assist with minor repairs and maintenance occasionally.

土木工程师土木工程师 设计, 构建, 构造, 维护公共和私人系统, 比如机场, 道路, 桥梁, 供水系统. They work to improve the environment by evaluating if a project is sustainable and how it may affect the environment.  

机械工程师- 机械工程师 评估热和机械设备, 排除这些设备的问题, 建造和修理这些设备. 他们通过实验来改进产品设计. Additionally, these engineers collaborate with project managers and other teams of engineers.

电气工程师 - 电气工程师 设计, 推进, 并应用电气设备和装置, 比如马达, 发电机, 以及通信系统. They may also manage the manufacturing of these systems and devices to ensure quality standards are upheld. Other responsibilities include operating computer-assisted engineering software and putting in place manufacturing and installation standards.

化学工程师 - 化学工程师 设计, 推进, 并对燃料生产过程进行诊断, 药品, 化学物质, 和生物制剂. They often work in manufacturing plants to assist in ensuring product quality. These experts also help develop and implement chemical manufacturing processes.

环境工程师 - 环境工程师 开发、评估和完善环境调查报告. They create and carry out projects that support environmental protection and 设计 technology to help with waste management and pollution control. This job also studies human influences on the environment and creates reports for legislators based on their discoveries.

生物医学工程师 - 生物医学工程师 创建生物医学设备和设备, 比如医疗机械, 假肢, 以及内部器官. They find solutions to problems within the biology and medical fields while working to improve the effectiveness and quality of patient care. Other tasks include assessing the safety and effectiveness of biomedical equipment and training clinicians on how to use the equipment.

软件工程师 - A software engineer develops and puts into place software systems and testing methods. They conduct software programming projects and inspect data to arrange the installation of new software systems. These engineers also survey the usefulness of software systems and test new software to determine its efficiency.

高级系统工程师 – A senior systems engineer will maintain the efficiency of various systems. 他们建立了复杂的系统和网络. Analyzing, implementing, and troubleshooting are key responsibilities.

工程经理 - 工程 managers responsibilities include ensuring project requirements are met, 管理预算, 并监督一个工程师团队. 该角色还准备基于项目进度的报告.


Overall, engineering jobs offer a wide range of success and challenges. 不管你对哪种工程感兴趣, 肯定会有一条适合你的技能和兴趣的道路. 虽然工作要求很高, it is also incredibly fulfilling to see your creations and projects come to life.


Opinions expressed in the bwin体育的博客 are those of its contributors and do not necessarily represent the opinions or official position of the College. The bwin体育的博客 is a place for faculty and contributing writers to express points of view, 学术见解, 并为全国对话做出贡献,激发人们的思考, 谈话, 以及对真理的追求, 符合bwin体育作为基督徒的哲学, 文科院校.




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