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The Gift of 林ent

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Program Spotlight

What is some evidence of 神’s faithfulness in your life? 

当bwin体育环顾四周,看到神为bwin体育所做的一切,bwin体育就会想到神的祝福. bwin体育想想《bwin体育》第3章的诗句:“因为 ’s 他的慈爱永不止息,因他的怜悯永不止息. 

They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” 

Perhaps you know of someone who has decided that 神 is 忠信是因为bwin体育的世界正在发生所有的邪恶. But consider the context of 林entations 3. As Jeremiah was writing, Jerusalem was in flames. The people of Judah were in 流亡. 他的地成了荒场,他身心俱疲. Take in these words: 

I have seen affliction by the rod of the 的愤怒. 
He has made me walk in darkness rather than light; 

他使我的皮肉衰老 又折断我的骨头. 
他围困我,以苦楚 和困苦围绕我. 
他用墙围住我,使我不能逃脱; 他用铁链压住我. 
即使我呼求,呼救, 他也不让我祷告. 
He drew his bow and made me the target for his arrows. 

I have been deprived of peace; so I say, “My splendor is gone and all that I had 希望d from the .” 

我追念我的困苦,我的飘流, 苦楚, 苦胆. 
I well remember them, and my soul is downcast within me. 
Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have 希望: 

Because of the 因他的大爱 bwin体育不灭亡, 因他的怜悯永不止息. 
They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.* 

bwin体育经常用来鼓励和敬拜这些奇妙经文的上下文是什么! 这些诗句出现在一本关于毁灭的书中间,这很重要吗, 流亡, 悲伤, 疼痛, 希望lessness? 耶利米诚实地剖析自己绝望的处境,使他认识到唯独神是他的希望吗? Is it possible that it’s only 因为 在苦难中,耶利米看到了神的信实? 

In the senior seminar for communication disorders students, bwin体育通过对这本书的讨论来研究哀歌的语言 Dark Clouds, Deep Mercy. 在这本书里, author Mark Vroegop presents a four-part outline for lament, showing examples from the scriptures: 


When we find ourselves with 疼痛, 混乱, 疲惫, disappointment, bwin体育似乎有三种选择:在愤怒中离开上帝, to deny our 疼痛 and put on a happy face, or to express our negative feelings to 他. 林ent requires us to turn to 神. 它承认他知道bwin体育的悲伤,但它邀请bwin体育向他倾诉这一切. It is a way to entrust our situation to 他 in faith. 

State your Complaint 

In this step, we honestly tell 神 what the problem is. Some may have issue with the word “complaint,” but listen to the words of Psalm 142:2: “I pour out my complaint before 他; before 他 I tell my trouble.虽然向上帝抱怨可能感觉不对,但它实际上表达了bwin体育的信任 with our circumstances. 诗篇的作者抱怨他们被邪恶的人追赶, that they have physical ailments, that 神 seems to be ignoring their 疼痛, or taking too long. And remember those complaints of Jeremiah! 他们的话给了bwin体育一个向上帝表达bwin体育自己的抱怨的脚本. 


bwin体育可以具体地请求上帝在bwin体育的情况下采取行动. 诗篇作者提出了一些非常大胆的要求:“毁灭恶人!”, “Help us, O 神; deliver us and forgive our sins”, “Remember me, O . . .  come to my aid”, “Remember Your covenant, defend Your cause.请听诗篇74篇中大胆的祷告:“伸出你的手,从你的衣襟上除掉他们。!“知道有一个上帝启示的剧本来恳求上帝,真是太神奇了 去行动,向他求红海的神迹,或者提醒他他的应许(尽管也许 we are the ones who need reminding). We can be honest in what we want the to do in our circumstances. 

State your Trust 

这 is the turning point in every lament. 哀歌的这一步不是把bwin体育的灵魂锚定在bwin体育所处的环境中,而是锚定在神的性情中. Sometimes in the Psalms it is simply “I trust You,,就好像作者不确定自己是否相信,但他是满怀信心地写出来的. When we state our trust, we reaffirm our confidence in 神, that He will act in accordance with His character, His righteousness, 他的正义. 林entations 3:21-24 is Jeremiah’s statement of trust, written shortly after he declares his 希望less situation. 

Through the study and practice of lament, bwin体育的学生已经学会在艰难的事情中信靠上帝. 林ent does 不 fix our circumstances, 但它是一首小调的歌,在唯一能治愈bwin体育的痛苦并给bwin体育的苦难带来希望的上帝面前,表达了bwin体育内心的痛苦. 正如耶利米所发现的,哀歌将bwin体育的灵魂锚定在神的信实中! 

最后, in Psalm 56 David writes, “Record my lament; list my tears on Your scroll — are they 不 in your record?” Our tears will 不 be in vain! He hears our lament. And in the waiting, we are filled with 希望! 



-Susan Layton '88

Associate Professor of Communication Disorders

Department Chair of Communication



* 林. 1-5, 7-8, 12, 17a,

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Feb 15, 2024

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