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Career Program Spotlight

工程师做的事情别人只能想象. 事实上,如果它能被设想出来,工程师就能使它成为可能. 如果有一座现代桥梁存在,土木工程师使之成为可能. Structural engineers and architectural engineers work together to construct a building that will withstand gale-force winds and earthquakes. 生物医学工程师设计假肢和人造器官.

Engineering is, in fact, a broad term that may be applied to various technological and scientific fields including medicine, architecture, and environmentalism. 工程学通常分为五个主要分支:

  • Mechanical engineering
  • Electrical engineering
  • Civil engineering
  • Chemical engineering
  • Industrial engineering

尽管这些都被认为是工程的“传统”分支, 还有许多其他类型的工程师, 更多的工程子领域, 以及跨学科工程领域.

In fact, there are more than 50种工程职业 from which to choose and lots of great reasons why you’ll love having a career as an engineer, including:

  1. 拥有成功的事业,但仍有时间享受生活

Engineers make a good salary (even starting salaries) and find lots of job satisfaction in their careers. But, perhaps, one of its greatest advantages is that you’ll have time to enjoy the fruits of your labor. Engineering jobs typically allow you to find a good balance between your work and personal life.

  1. You Get to Be Creative

As an engineer, you can let your imagination run wild as you improvise and confront new situations. 事实上,工程学是独立思考者的理想领域.

Engineers work to design and build new things and/or work to make existing items or situations better, 经常提出创新的解决方案. A team of engineers, 其中可能包括机械工程师, software engineers, and electrical engineers, for instance, can work together to design and build a medical diagnostic machine that will save lives.

Engineers are problem solvers. 许多工程师继续创造新的发明,并为他们的想法获得专利.

  1. Highly Respected

工程师是备受尊敬的人. They work hard to make the world around them a better place to live for themselves and for others, 他们做的事情是别人梦寐以求的.

  1. 与其他优秀的工程师一起工作

You’ll get the opportunity to work with other creative individuals whose ways of thought will challenge you to see things in a whole new and exciting way. You’ll stretch your talents in ways you may never have thought possible because of the people you work with.

事实上,工程需要团队合作. As an engineer, you’ll have the opportunity to interact with lots of people both inside and outside your chosen field. 你会被挑战你的人包围, 他们会让你得到伸展和成长, 还有那些能激励你的人.

  1. 解决问题的机会

A career in engineering gives you the opportunity to solve problems and design things that really matter, 让世界变得更美好的事情. As an engineer, you can use your God-given talents to find solutions that no one else has thought of; it’s an opportunity to make your mark on the world.

  1. Never Be Bored

Imagine a job where your natural abilities enable you to create things that have only previously existed in your mind — a job where thoughts come to life. 这就是工程师职业能为你做的. 当你是一名工程师时,你永远不会感到无聊.

  1. Competitive Salary

工程师的薪水很有竞争力. For example, according to the 美国劳工部在美国,拥有生物工程学位的人的平均年薪是98,340美元. 然而,排名前10%的人预计年收入约为14.9万美元. 即使是起薪对新毕业生来说也是令人兴奋的. 例如,机械工程师的平均起薪为美元63,527.

  1. What You Do Matters

作为一名工程师,上帝可以使用你来创造不同. The positive effect engineers have on their communities and the world around them is easily witnessed. 建筑物能承受大自然的任何打击, 新生儿重症监护病房的婴儿茁壮成长, 水系统为世界偏远地区带来挽救生命的水, and cell phones do so much more than allow us to talk to someone anywhere in the world. 工程师将创造力带入生活.

  1. Get to Travel

工程和现场工作通常是相辅相成的. 工程师的发明最终可能会远离他们的家园. 他们可能会设计一座将要在巴黎建造的桥, develop safe-drinking water systems that will be used in Africa or develop a farming technique that helps feed the poor all over the world. 在初始安装或构建过程中可能需要工程师在场, 或者工程师可能需要在现场找出并解决问题.

  1. Have an Exciting Career

An engineering degree can provide you with a career that has lots of freedom and excitement. 雇主看重那些花时间攻读工程学位的员工. They know the engineer is well-educated and has been taught problem-solving and analytical skills, 对公司有利的有价值的工具.

  1. Change the World

As an engineer, you’ll have the opportunity to make a difference and change the world in ways that only you can imagine. Imagine being involved in the creation of artificial organs and other lifesaving medical equipment, 控制污染,保护环境, 或者用低成本的建筑材料来帮助对抗全球贫困. 工程师可以改变他们周围的世界, saving lives, preventing disease, reducing poverty, 保护上帝创造的世界.


改变世界的前景会让你兴奋吗? Do you want a career that allows you to use your God-given talents to make a difference in your life, your community, and the world around you? 如果是这样,你应该去bwin体育看看 engineering program which offers concentrations in biomedical engineering, chemical engineering, civil engineering, computer engineeringelectrical engineeringenvironmental engineering机械工程或其他专业 interdisciplinary field. 欲了解更多信息,请致电855-979-5563或 web@joanrobots.net. 准备好在这个世界上留下你的印记吧.








Opinions expressed in the Geneva Blog are those of its contributors and do not necessarily represent the opinions or official position of the College. The Geneva Blog is a place for faculty and contributing writers to express points of view, academic insights, 并为全国对话做出贡献,激发人们的思考, conversation, and the pursuit of truth, 符合bwin体育作为基督徒的哲学, liberal arts institution.

Oct 26, 2021

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